June 2010 Buckhead Home Sales Report

Below are the statistics I have compiled for Buckhead home sales in June 2010. These numbers reflect single-family detached homes in area 21. You can also view the “Buckhead Home Sales Reports” to see historical data for Buckhead.

Closed Sales in Buckhead

Homes Sold in June -61
Average List Price – $798,536 (down from $829k in May)
Average Sales Price – $736,306 (down from 751k in May)
Average Sales Price/List Price Ratio – 92.2%
Average Days on Market – 101 Days

Carson Matthews, Buckhead Office, REALTOR®
Carson Matthews, Buckhead Office, REALTOR®

Interested in a custom report with detailed statistics for your neighborhood? Contact me and I would be happy to provide that for you.

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