Paws for Purple Hearts is a two year old program that trains dogs to eventually help soldiers who need assistance with their everyday activities. It is in conjunction with Bergin University Canine Studies Program. Bergin University is located in California. The dogs are in training for two to three years before given to a Wounded Warrior who has applied to the program for assistance through the Walter Reed Army Hospital Assistance Programs for Wounded Soldiers.
Yoko is a 10 month old English Labrador from “Paws for Purple Hearts” who visited Horseshoe Bend Country Club Thanksgiving with her assistant trainer, Langston M. White. Lang was visiting his parents Jody and Chuck White who live in the Brookside neighborhood of Horseshoe Bend. Lang keeps Yoko and helps to socialize her on the weekends or holidays. Yoko is in school Monday through Friday training to be a canine assistant. She loved the smells of the Thanksgiving Buffet but was not permitted to eat. Yoko eats a restricted dog diet so she will be fit for all her duties with the soldiers at Walter Reed. If you are interested in seeing a video about the program or learning more about “Paws for Purple Hearts”, please go to Donations are always appreciated in any domination since the program strictly goes by donations and is yet to be funded by the federal government.
Contributed by: Jody White