It is a rare occurrence in life to be fully prepared for what you are going to see yet still completely amazed when you actually see it. That is precisely the case when one encounters this spectacular estate home in Buckhead in Atlanta, Georgia.

Built in 2004 and situated on 2.7 pristine acres just minutes from the Interstate 75 corridor, this home displays the visual appeal and architectural detail of grand Mediterranean estates built long ago by fabled artisans in far away lands. The open floor plan is designed to accommodate grand soirees while maintaining an uncommon intimacy unique to this property. The imaginative lighting design ingeniously blends artificial and natural light to imbue each room with a distinctive mood and ambiance.

Each room makes its own particular contribution to the mise en scène of this magnificent home. The two story foyer features a contoured maple and wrought iron stair. The marble fireplace is central to the cove formal living room, just beyond the columned and arched entrance and beneath the cove ceiling. The cherry motif of the library’s floors, built-in wall shelves and fireplace add an air of nobility to the room.

The milled granite counter and breakfast bar in the kitchen seem to go on forever. The salon features a truly impressive stone fireplace and french doors which lead out the rear of the home. Wide arched entrances are apparent throughout the main floor, and these are just a few of the truly noteworthy aspects of this magnificent home.

Bear in mind that this awe-inspiring tour has not yet progressed beyond the main floor, nor traversed the expansive master suite which also resides on the main level. Featuring a trussed cathedral ceiling, towering stone fireplace and immense bathroom, the master suite is delicately luxurious without being ostentatious, which only serves to increase its appeal.

The media room/theater is located on the second level. The lower level of this fine estate home features an exercise room, a wine room and a humidor. The second floor terrace offers a view of the huge (57 feet long!) swimming pool, and this estate also features a three bedroom, two bathroom guest house reminiscent of an Italian farmhouse.

Beyond mere real estate, this completely private Mediterranean estate home represents a lifestyle befitting those with the only the most discerning eye and distinguished taste.
View the home tour/floor plan.
Ten Bedrooms, Eight Full and Three Partial Bathrooms
Offered at $2,850,000
4309 Sentinel Post Road
Atlanta Georgia 30327

Betsy Meagher