Get ready for the Spring Market!
Are you thinking of putting your home on the market this spring? Now is the time to start preparing your home for sale. Here are few tips on how to get your home in it’s best condition.
Exterior Paint: Paint can not only make your home look better, but gives buyers the impression that you love your house and take great care of it!
Power Wash: You would be amazed at how fresh and clean a simple power wash can make the appearance of your home.
Clean the Gutters: Gutters filled to the brim with leaves do not leave the best first impression to potential buyers.
Tidy the Yard: Make sure flower beds are neat, bushes trimmed and add fresh pine straw or mulch.
Clean: Scrub appliances inside and out! Scour walls, floors, bathtubs, showers and sinks until they sparkle!
Eliminate Odors: Strong odors can turn away buyers. Cleaning drapes and carpets can help get rid of odors. A dehumidifier can help with musty basements.
Get Rid of Clutter: Clutter can actually reduce your home’s value. The golden rule for kitchen counters is if you don’t use it everyday, put it away! You are going to be moving soon anyway, so start packing! Removing bulky furniture can make rooms appear larger. Clean out and organize closets to make them look large and roomy, closet space sells homes!
Paint: Choose neutral colors that won’t clash with most prospective buyers taste.

If you or someone you know are looking to put your home on the market this Spring, please feel free to contact me today to set up a listing consultation. I would love to help you with any of your real estate needs. It is not too early to prepare for the Spring Market!
Laura Clear