Castleberry Hills is one of downtown’s most sought after and trendy neighborhoods, boasting great restaurants, bars and access to the city. With 158 Walker Street, you could be in the heart of a vibrant and exciting community!

Featuring an airy floorplan, 20′ ceilings, exposed brick walls, skylights and custom lighting throughout, this gorgeous loft is everything you have been waiting for in downtown Atlanta. Every aspect of this home is unique, modern and unlike anything you’ve ever seen! Each bedroom is extremely spacious, with one upstairs in the true open air style.
Entertaining is re-defined with the great combined kitchen and living room. Your guests will love to let their eyes wander to the exposed rafters and skylights, giving the rooms an authentic feel. Additionally, the master bath is an ultra-modern spa-like experience.

With this Castleberry Hills location comes many amenities, including immediate access to the downtown area, a plethora of great restaurants, public transportation and so much more! You truly will never lack things to do in this area, and with the burgeoning downtown expansion including a streetcar rail, you will be the first to witness a transformation!

Two Bedrooms, One Full And One Half Bath
Offered at $199,000
158 Walker Street
Atlanta GA 30313

Ally May