When you browse real estate listings online, you probably find yourself drawn to the listings with better pictures. It’s human nature. If the pictures are blurry, look as if they were taken in a hurry, or do not show off the house’s best assets, there is a good chance you are going to move on to the next listing. Luckily, you do not have to be a professional photographer to take great home photos. Just follow these tips.

Use a tripod.

It may seem simple, but a steady resting place for your camera can make all the difference in the world. Many times, blurry pictures happen because the photographer just wasn’t able to hold the camera still.

Clean up your home.

Most cameras capture every stain on the sofa, every imperfection in the paint, and every random toy scattered across the living room floor, even if you miss it with the naked eye. Pick up those toys and shove them in a closet if you have to. Straighten your stack of magazines on the coffee table, remove all the clutter, and put a throw pillow over that stain. You may also consider adding some refreshing elements like a plant or fresh-cut flowers.

Rely on natural lighting.

Open the curtains and let the natural light of the sun highlight your space. If you can avoid using the camera’s flash, do it, or you will end up with glimpses of the flash in picture frames or other reflective surfaces. If you wait until it’s dark or cloudy outside to take pictures, it can make each room look dark and gloomy, no matter how much artificial lighting you use.

Experiment with pictures.


The good thing about digital cameras is that you can take hundreds and even thousands of pictures if you want, so make sure you take as many as you can of each room. This allows you to choose the best ones, as well as experiment with angles. You may find that the living room looks smaller than it actually is when you take the photo from the corner instead of the doorway.

Take special care with exterior pictures.

Taking photos of the outside of your home is a little different from inside pictures. For example, you do not want to take them when the sun is too bright. Pay attention to the Atlanta weather forecast and wait for a slightly overcast day to avoid blinding reflections. Take the picture at an angle instead of straight on so you can show off the home’s depth. Also, be aware of anything that might stand in the way of the view of the house, such as a car parked in the driveway or a large tree or fence post.

If you are considering selling your Atlanta home, Atlanta Fine Homes | Sotheby’s International Realty can help. Contact us at 404-237-5000.

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