Alpharetta, Georgia named #1 place to live (Suzanne Close)

No. 1: Alpharetta, Ga.

2007 population: 65,168

Big city: Atlanta, 22 miles south

Major airport: Hartfield-Jackson, 29 miles south

Global employers nearby: ADP, UPS, Delta Air Lines, Hewlett-Packard, Siemens, Verizon, Coca-Cola

Adults with bachelor’s degree or higher: 57%

Born in different state or abroad: 70%

White: 75.5%, Black: 9%, Asian: 10.5%, Hispanic (any race): 6.5%

Came from out of state within five years, 2000 Census: 38%

Median family income: $108,769.

Median home value: $155,900.

To locate America’s best places to move, we looked at “Relovilles” with populations of 25,000 and over. Using data from 2000 to 2007 Census records, we looked for the number of people in each town who were born out of state or abroad, who had moved to town from a considerable distance within one and five years, and who had moved for a job. These were weighted more heavily than other factors considered, such as Census data for population growth, family incomes, people in executive and professional jobs, and the price, size and age of homes, along with reports of moving van companies, changes in school enrollments, the proximity of multinational companies, and the observations of local builders, government officials and residents. Places with populations of less than 25,000, with large numbers of low-wage immigrant workers and with rotating populations of college students, retirees and inmates of prisons were ruled out.*Note that figures for race do not total 100 because of rounding, Hispanics of different races and exclusion of native Hawaiians, American Indians and other races.


Suzanne Close, North Atlanta, REALTOR®
Suzanne Close, North Atlanta, REALTOR®

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